BeatMaker Support

Performance View


The Performance view is the main interface between you and your instruments. It is composed of:

- a Pad-like interface, displaying either 16 or 64 trigger pads

- a Keyboard-like interface to play melodies and chords

- Realtime controls for velocity and rolls

- Pitch/Modulation wheels and Sustain pedal

- Chord and scales settings to facilitate the playing of harmonies

- Live Mute and Solo controls for banks and pads

- Scene playback control from the Pad interface

- Bank selector and bank management

Quick links :

- How to load/save a bank

- How to load a sample

- How to record a pattern

- How to use an external MIDI controller

1. Main interface

Each pad in the interface represents one instrument. An instrument can be one or a group of audio samples (layers), or an Audio Unit instrument plugin/external applications.

By default, the interface displays the first 16 pads/instruments of the currently selected Bank:

You can scroll to access further pads using the “PADS PAGE” arrows located on the right-side toolbar:

To switch the pad interface between 16 or 64 visible pads, tap on the “16” or “64” buttons located at the bottom of the screen:

When triggering a pad, it also becomes selected (you can also use the “SELECT” tool).

By tapping the “KEYS” button located on the right-side toolbar, you can toggle between normal pad mode and key pad mode. The key pad mode is useful when the sample loaded on a pad represents an instrument (such as a piano or bass note) or a plugin instrument: the interface switches to a 128 notes controller for the currently selected pad. When activated, triggering a pad automatically pitches its samples to a specific semi-tone.

To scroll between note ranges, use the “KEY PAD” arrows from the right-side toolbar:

If you prefer to have a piano-like interface to work with instrument samples and Audio Units, you can switch to Keyboard mode, accessible from the bottom-screen toolbar:

This view also provides easy access to Macro controls, Chords and Scales settings, as well as a Double-keyboard mode.

Remember you can also display the keyboard view for the currently selected pad by pressing the following icon from the main left toolbar:

Most of the Pad view features can also be controlled by external MIDI controllers.

2. Performance controls

Several performance related features are available on the left side of the performance screen.

2.1 Velocity control

Controls the velocity (volume) parameter of the currently selected pad.

The “FIXED VEL” slider sets the velocity value used when tapping this pad.

Two extra settings are available by tapping the gear icon:

- FIXED MIDI VEL: If set to ON, the fixed velocity is also applied to incoming MIDI notes received by the pad.

- PADS Y VELOCITY: if set to ON, the velocity will depend of the vertical position of your finger while tapping on a pad.

2.2 Rolls

Move your finger across the X/Y screen to trigger a drumroll sequence of the selected pad. The X axis controls the roll speed, while the Y axis sets its velocity. The speed is divided into 6 quantized zone. Tap on the blue arrows to change their values.

2.3 Wheels

The interface represents the classic controls found in MIDI keyboard controllers:

- MOD: Modulation wheel. Sends a modulation message to the pad/instrument.

- PITCH: Pitch bend wheel. Alters the global pitch of the pad/instrument.

- SUSTAIN PEDAL: When ON, the pad/instrument sustains incoming notes until set to OFF.

2.4 Repeat Mode

To enable repeat mode, tap on any of the 6 repeat values:

Any pad is now automatically triggered repeatedly as you hold it, following the selected time interval. Press the down arrow above any repeat value to configure its synchronization and swing.

To disable repeat mode, tap on the currently selected repeat value.

2.5 Scales & Chords

Tap the SCALES” or “CHORDS” button at the bottom-center of the pad view to display their respective settings:

When choosing a chord or a scale, the pads behavior changes:

- Chord: Tapping on a pad also triggers the corresponding pads (notes) defined by the chord setting.

- Scale: Pads will only trigger notes which are part of the scale setting.

Note: Chord mode does not send out MIDI notes to external MIDI devices but only to internal pads/instruments

2.6 Mute and Solo

Tap the “MUTE” or “SOLO” button from the right toolbar to enable the corresponding mode. When active, tapping on a pad or bank mutes or solos its audio output. These modes are especially useful to create variations during a live performance.

2.7 Select mode

Tap the SELECTbutton from the right toolbar to enter pad selection mode. Pressing a pad will now selects it instead of reproducing a sound. You can use the “Copy Pad”, “Paste Pad”, “Cut Pad” and “Clear Pad” buttons from the bottom toolbar to copy, move and clear the selected pad.

2.8 Scenes

Tap the SCENEbutton from the right toolbar to enable PAD SCENE mode. This mode converts the pad view into a scene selector: when tapping a pad, the corresponding Scene number is triggered. Scene management options are available from the bottom toolbar: copy, paste and delete scenes, as well as the scene trigger synchronization value.




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